Friday, April 6, 2007

Texture Study

Our trip to the coast was lovely (anyone recognize the Fresnel lens in the last post?) Mr. M took some fabulous pictures of the seascape and the coastal swamplands. It's funny how he is the "big picture" person in our relationship... drawn to vast vistas and visionary plans. It's one of the things I love about him. He sees so much potential. I, on the other hand, tend to focus on the details. The first picture in this post is one I have been wanted for a long time, but I needed a digital SLR to finally catch it. SLR to get in close and digital so that I could snap, snap, snap away and be able to see if it was working. My other great catch (courtesy of the notorious shoreline junk shops) was a few handfuls of vintage glass buttons ranging from art deco to daisies. I'm thinking hello yarn's pulse warmers.

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